Warm Weather Shipping

Warm Weather Shipping

Warm Weather Warning

As we enter the hottest months of the year, there is a risk that your chocolate may experience some melt in transit. We have found that the #1 risk factor is the location of the receiving mailbox. If it is in the direct sunlight the chances of damage are greater than if under shade cover or inside. The #2 risk factor being the amount of cloud cover your town or city generally receives (ie. Vancouver has a much lower melt probability than Calgary).

We continue to ship through these months, as in years past we have done so with reasonable success. 

Shipments may be delayed as we check the weather before sending, looking for cooler stretches. We also include ice packs with most orders, however, we cannot guarantee the chocolate being shipped to you will not melt. 


What to do if your chocolate arrives melted

You’ll know that your chocolate has been damaged in transit if any of the bars are discolored.  The discoloration is the chocolate falling out of temper – the fat particles (cocoa butter) group together and display as yellow spots.

This un-tempered chocolate is still good to eat – the flavour will be the same but the mouthfeel won’t be as smooth as it would be otherwise. 

As the gritty mouthfeel can be a turn-off, our personal favourite thing to do is melt the bar and eat the chocolate as a liquid (either with a spoon or by dipping fruit or other goodies in it).  Melting the chocolate will bring the smoothness back. The best way to melt chocolate is double boiling for the gentle, indirect heat. 


Free Shipping

On all orders over $75